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How do I place an order?

We’ve made ordering online as painless as possible. Follow these steps and you won’t go far wrong: 

1. You can either choose to create an account first, or simply start shopping as a guest!

2. To shop, you can either use the categories at the top of the main page or use the search bar to find the items that you are looking for. 

3. Once you have found the items you are looking for you can add them to your basket or add them to your wish list. Please note that buy adding anything to your basket or wish list does not reserve the item for you. Available stock is only assigned to your order after you have paid for the item and received an email confirmation. This email will also show in your account.

4. Once you have all your chosen items in your basket you can access your basket by clicking on the basket icon in the top right of the page. 

Once in the basket you can modify your order. Add/remove, increase/decrease quantities.

This is also where you can add any gift codes or promotional codes you may have by clicking Add Voucher Code.

You will also be able to see your delivery options from your basket prior to placing the order. If you are from overseas then please select the country you are having your order delivered to.

5. You are now ready to checkout!

Click Checkout, this will take you to another page where you can choose to log into your account or shop as a guest.

You will then need to add the delivery address that you would like to receive your order.

If the delivery address is the same as the billing address, you need to tick the box to confirm this.

You now will be asked to select your delivery option, once selected you will be provided with an order number.

This is your reference should you need to get in touch with us regarding this order.

Please check that the billing and delivery address are correct and that it's showing your chosen delivery option before you pay for your order.

6. Once you have paid you will receive an email confirmation confirming that we have received your order. 

Then just sit back, and wait for our team to get your happy post on its way to you, ready for your next adventure!

If you have any trouble with any of the above steps, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Services team and we will be happy to assist you.